Scientific acceptance


Scientific acceptance

InnoTec-4-Health feels obliged to provide the following notice to interested parties and consumers in accordance with the "Heilmittelwerbegesetzt (HWG)" and the "Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb (UWG)":

The statements made on our Internet pages and all links for whose content InnoTec-4-Health is responsible (brochures, flyers, own publications, etc.), which refer to healing promises, therapeutic successes, areas of application, etc., do not correspond to the "predominantly scientific state of knowledge", but are based on application results that have been achieved in the treatment of patients over the past years. Statements made beyond this refer to source-based scientific studies, which also do not correspond to the "predominantly scientific state of knowledge".
Do not use information from our websites as the sole basis for making health-related decisions. Consult your doctor or pharmacist in case of health complaints. In case of animal diseases, consult a veterinarian.



The therapy with high-energy impulses is to be assigned to the complementary medicine and is often equated in the literature with the rPMS, PST, PEMF, nano impulse therapy and similar procedures. Many critics of complementary medicine, i.e. methods that are not commonly assigned to classical orthodox medicine, fundamentally reject the previously mentioned procedures and classify them as ineffective, whereby the previously listed procedures are often not differentiated in the negative statements. In relation to procedures, which correspond to the therapy with high-energy impulses of OMNITRON / EQUITRON, nevertheless the reference to the possibility of a positive therapy is often given, by stating that still sufficient scientific investigations are missing.

InnoTec-4-Health sees itself unable to verify and prove all (worldwide) conducted studies and scientific reports in such a way that they correspond to the "predominantly scientific state of knowledge". InnoTec-4-Health can only show excerpts of scientific reports and studies and give links in which the positive treatment results (in the literature called pulsating electromagnetic fields rPMS, PEMF or similar) are reproduced. Any further statements are based on own application results and studies.


METAVITAL / Oberon-Systems

However, we would like to point out that the methods and systems presented here, as well as their effects, are neither scientifically recognized nor proven in classical orthodox medicine.