Integrative medicine – prevention means intelligent prevention

The prevention

Similar to integrative medicine, modern health policy is increasingly focusing on prevention. For good reasons. This is intended to counteract the many health problems of our time, such as cardiovascular diseases, rheumatism, high blood pressure or obesity, and their consequences. Because these well-known typical diseases of civilization cost the healthcare system enormous sums of money every year. Therefore, integrative medicine, with its special holistic possibilities, also relies particularly heavily on early prevention.

Why is prevention so important in integrative medicine?

Incorrect, excessive or insufficient nutrition and the associated lack of vitamins or minerals can lead to chronic or even serious illnesses over the years. Problems such as food intolerance, so-called lifestyle diseases, etc. result from this. However, such disorders can be detected at an early stage using special analysis systems (e.g. nica Human or METAVITAL Human TS) . In this way, integrative physicians can make their meaningful and active contribution to health prevention.

The same applies to sports. Regardless of whether you are a hobby or competitive athlete - the prevention of injuries or later consequences of incorrect stress are decisive today for the quality of life and performance of tomorrow.

How can integrative medicine be used sensibly for prevention?

In integrative medicine, when it comes to prevention, we are already a big step ahead in terms of knowledge. Today we know that each cell is in a constant flow of information with other cells in its network. This important exchange of information takes place on the basis of weak electrical impulses or signals. These emit a certain frequency or vibration. In a healthy state, every tissue, every structure and every organ vibrates in perfect balance. However, if there are damaged cells underneath, they deviate from a usual "normal frequency" and produce so-called "skewed" sounds. With the help of a non-invasive cell analysis and a highly sensitive analysis system , integrative medicine can help to identify deviations from the original vibration at an early stage, which can be the signal for later health problems. Cell groups that are not in a healthy vibrational balance can be identified down to the smallest detail. Based on the measurement results obtained, prudent integrative physicians can make individual recommendations to their patients, for example on lifestyle, nutrition or substitutions.

Physical complaints are not only clarified by conventional medicine, but attention is also paid to the psychological causes of the problems. A form of therapy based on integrative medicine can also lead to the elimination of blockages and thus prevent possible subsequent diseases.

How can integrative medicine and conventional medicine complement each other?

Integrative medicine combines the many advantages of conventional medicine with additional analysis and therapy options, for example from naturopathy. While classical medicine mainly focuses on the cause and effect principle and fights symptoms, integrative medicine wants to go one step further. Therefore, physical complaints are not only clarified by conventional medicine, but considered holistically. The goal for the well-being of the patients is: a meaningful supplementation of knowledge and possibilities.

Your benefits at a glance:

  • You can create holistic prevention concepts for your patients
  • They can effectively support prevention impulses and performance optimization
  • You give your patients a more far-reaching prevention impulse

The most important questions

How can integrative medicine be used for prevention?

In the context of integrative medicine, prevention has its own status. So far, prevention has often been carried out by checking fixed parameters such as blood values, blood pressure, pulse, but also preventive examinations according to the health insurance plan.

However, the main cause of diseases lies in an imbalance in the body environment (e.g. acid-base balance). These imbalances disturb metabolic processes, pathogens can multiply (e.g. weakened immune system), digestive processes are impaired and much more. The body tries to compensate for this over a long period of time, but eventually reaches its limits.

These processes can be made “visible” as early as the development stage using the latest analysis methods. In this way, simple countermeasures can be taken early on – for a long and healthy life.

How often should one use integrative medicine so that it makes sense preventively?

It is always important that, on the one hand, faults are recognized early and rectified quickly. If diseases have already occurred, it is important to always complete the recommended measures. 

In the context of mindfulness, prevention is always better than cure.

Which problems can be counteracted preventively?

Our so-called civilization diseases – which are mostly caused by too much carbohydrates, too much protein, also too much food in general combined with a lack of exercise. 

It doesn't matter whether it's arthrosis or skin problems - most diseases are caused by a disturbed acid-base balance

Can integrative medicine prevent injuries?

Most injuries are caused by accidents – the only thing that helps here is prudence and caution.

Of course, our musculoskeletal system is also dependent on nutrients etc. Loss of minerals or e.g. homocysteine ​​(waste material from the protein metabolism of the liver) causes our tendons and ligaments to lose their structure. If there is an overload with a lack of elasticity, injuries with long regeneration times occur.

Osteoporosis also leads to loss of bone mass and thus to instability, which causes the bone to break more quickly under heavy loads (e.g. femoral neck fracture). An adequate supply of minerals and the required vitamins can have positive effects.

Are there studies on the effectiveness as a preventive measure?

Integrative medicine is the interaction of conventional medical knowledge paired with knowledge from complementary medicine and naturopathy.

The role of vitamins, minerals and amino acids is becoming better and better understood. Knowledge of the possible uses of secondary plant substances, bitter substances, essential oils, etc. is also increasing.

The 2007 Nobel Prize for research into our intestinal microbiome alone has brought "old knowledge" back into focus. There are now many approaches to alleviating civilization diseases.